Old 06-07-2011, 07:08 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Western Wisconsin
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My husband cut apart a piece of carpet padding we had tossed in the bin because of cat "accidents" and staked them around the perimeter of our one-acre yard (held them down with bricks), hoping she would get the scent.

Meanwhile, I rushed to the store and came back with a baby monitor. While dh was putting the baby monitor together, I went out on the back deck (at dusk) and called her name a few times. Nothing. My dd and her boyfriend were in the screen porch next to the deck, so I started talking to them. Reassured my dd that all the cat rescue sites mentioned that cats are very good at surviving, etc. While we were talking, I heard a meow and looked over the deck edge; Oliver was headed up the stairs to the screen porch!

She is thinner and more subdued than usual. First place she went was to her water bowl (temps >100 degrees here today set a record). After that she ran downstairs for some peace and quiet. When she heard me feeding the other cat, she came upstairs looking for food. She loves dairy, and I was able to give her a big dollup of yogurt from a brand new container.

Life doesn't get much better than this! Now I can enjoy tomorrow's high school graduation ceremony (the boyfriend's)!

I think laying the scented carpet around the yard helped, and then the voices talking at dusk.

Anyway, we're celebrating around here tonight!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit: Oh, yeah. Had dh put the baby monitor back in the box so I can return it tomorrow. Hadn't even plugged it in yet!
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