Old 06-07-2011, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Greater KC MO
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by Prism99
I inadvertently locked our indoor cat outside yesterday and did not realize it until this afternoon. She is a small shy cat who hides when a stranger comes into the house, and she doesn't have front claws. Yesterday and today set heat records; it got to over 100 degrees here today.

To make matters worse, a lawn service came and sprayed our lawn this morning, while Oliver was outside. Usually she stays close to the house (she's been forgotten outside once or twice in the past), but the lawn guy would probably have scared her. Plus, we live in a very rural area with lots of clumps of woods. Our house has thick woods around 3/4ths of the perimeter of our acre lawn.

I contacted FindToTo.com and they have called all the neighbors in a 2-mile area (not many neighbors here). We will take flyers house-to-house. We will place rugs and scented clothing around the perimeter of the yard later tonight, after the heat and dry wind die down (cats are supposed to have good scent skills). Will try walking around the woods calling her name after nightfall (cats are more likely to come out at night). Not just the woods, but the areas surrounding the woods are chock full of poison ivy, plus the ground is very rough around the woods, so not sure how that is going to go tonight.

It's all my fault. I let the cat out with me went I filled the bird feeders out back (kind of a thrill for an indoor cat). Maybe I'm getting Alzheimer's. Completely forgot about her when I went back in the house. I'm sick about it. My daughter's sick about it. Any good-ending stories would be most welcome!

Edit: Just read that putting out stinky cat food (like fish) out at night can help. Also a baby monitor nearby, to hear if she comes back. Guess I'll do those things too.
Oh boy do I have a story!

I am sure you have heard about the EF 5 tornado that hit Joplin Missouri a couple of weeks ago. Well our Aunt and Uncle were smack dab in the middle of it. They had five minutes to take cover. They made it to their hallway before the house fell on top of them. They made it out okay but they lost their little dog and two cats. They came to stay with family near us and did not have internet access. I took it upon myself to try and find the cats via the internet. Well, it paid off! One of the cats was found a couple of blocks away and was taken to the local rescue. The rescue contacted me and they went to pick up their cat. Cat #2 had hung around the rubble that was his home and was finally captured. He was a very shook up kitty. This all happened over a week after the storm. As for the dog...she was found in the rubble of the house two days later by some friends of theirs that were trying to help them by saving something. And they sure did...their little dog Daizy. So, if these two cats and dog can survive an EF 5 tornado AND get their family back...you cat can find its way home.
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