Old 06-08-2011, 05:52 AM
Pigeon Patty
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Missouri-dreaming of a beach
Posts: 37

We moved alot when I was a kid, one of six, I had to room with my older sister. I was tomboy she was Miss Priss. When she wanted a white long hair so she could dye it HOT PINK, she got her wish. One day she wanted Mother to bring it to school for show and tell. Now we lived several miles out of town more than ten, and town was about 8000 population wise. Show and tell went off without a hitch, Mother stopped by the grocery store on her way home leaving the cat, I know it was a male but forget his name, leaving him in the car with windows cracked. Well, apparently she left too big of a crack and when she returned no cat. It took three plus weeks but he showed back up at home one evening at my brothers' window that had a small tear in it, came right in and proceeded to make his presence known. He was a much paler pink and had a small oil tar type stain on one side but no worse for the whole affair. We moved not too long after to a very large city and into a neighborhood with many close homes, whenever he would get out from time to time and the neighborhood saw him we had people stopping, imagining they were seeing things. Made a lot of friends in that new neighborhood through that cat!
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