Old 06-09-2011, 03:40 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Whitby, Ontario. British expat
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I bought both of my furry guys to Canada from the UK. Charlie (he is a Bengal) is a real snuggle bug and very friendly. Unfortunately he is not very bright! (all beauty and no brains! The first summer he was here he got sun stroke from falling asleep in the shade and not moving when the sun moved! about 6 weeks after the sunstroke he was outside sleeping in the chair when I went to bed and was no where to be found when I woke up (we have a cat door for him to come in and out) I was beside my self with fear and really thought he was gone for good. We put posters up all around the neighbourhood and handed out flyers to everyone and offered $500 reward for any news of him. I used to go out every three hours, 6pm, 9pm, midnight, 3am, 6am, 9am etc calling him every day but no sign of him after 5 days I had really given up hope but my husband insisted on going out one more time to look for him but I refused to go and just went to bed miserable and upset while he went out. he had been gone about half an hour when the phone rang and the person said they thought Charlie was in their garage! I quickly got in the car and drove just about 20 minutes from our house and there was Charlie in their garage! Of course there were lots more tears as I realized he was safe. The people were lovely a family with two teenage boys, and I promised I would take the reward back the very next day but they insisted they would not take it as they said it was like 'returning a lost child'! I took Charlie home and the next day 'Charlie wrote them a thank you note and spent his allowance on flowers and wine as a thank you to amazing people.
I do hope your little one comes home safe and sound
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