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Old 06-15-2011, 05:11 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Central Wisconsin
Posts: 718

My husband has been suffering with back issues since he was 22 years old. (Injury from work) One day all he did was cough and blew a disc out.That was on a Friday. He went to work..when he went to bed that night, all was okay (so we thought). I left for work way before he woke. I get a call from my son, his dad called him crying for help getting out of bed. Took them 20 minutes to get him out of bed, and down the steps. That was the last time he slept in bed for 2 months. He finally had to consent to surgery, as his leg/foot went totally numb. He walked with a walker, and his leg just dragged behind him. The doctor was very worried, he said he may never regain all the feeling in his leg/foot.He is still (after 5 years post surgery) he still does have numbness in his foot yet. The surgeon really wanted to disable him...he refused..stubborn fart he is..but as he said..he was not even 50 yet. As I write this.. he is in back pain again. His does not happen for a reason we can pinpoint. He does nothing different and it just goes out. He will not let his back issues run his life as he says.

Our doctor told us..the majority of people have them, but.. not everyone has pain from them.
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