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Old 06-15-2011, 06:23 AM
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Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
unfortunately my insurance is military based. the military will NOT recognize(nor pay for) acupuncture, chiropractor or homeopathic treatments! SO if I choose to do those, I not only have to pay for them myself, but if they do not work, my insurance can refuse payment for traditional treatment to fix things later! It is a fine catch-22 for sure! but when I meet the neuro guy I will do my best to put any surgery off for as long as possible!

I might also add that I am a diabetic with a lapband..I eat very little, but it is ALL healthy..I take tons of vitamins and supplements and I work out every day!
I have military insureance also. I have a torn disc at L5. with the nerve down my right leg killing me at times. right leg has limited use. I can walk and stand, but have lots of trouble getting up from a sitting possition. after going round and round, Finially I am seeing a pain managment dr that I like. We are doing physical therapy and some pain med. (tramadol) Just started, so cant say how it will work. I did Chiro and that made it worse, plus insurance doesnt cover it. good luck, thinking about you.
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