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Old 05-16-2009, 05:01 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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I'm sooo glad you are taking this step PQ...Both DH and I quit almost 2 yrs. ago. We both were heavy smokers and quit with the patch. I had the Dr.'s put one on him in the hospital so he wouldn't be going through Niccy withdrawals while he had all the other problems. I told him that it was his decision whether or not to quit when we were able to come home. He decided that since he already had been off them for 2 weeks...just to quit. I went and bought patches for me and we did it together...BEST THING WE'VE EVER DONE TOGETHER!

The actual "habit" is the hardest thing to break and to be honest...I'd light up today because I truly enjoyed smoking...but I won't ever do it again for soooo many reasons! far as the "habit", we both found that we would think about a cig, but in 2 seconds the thought would be gone if we just went ahead and did whatever we were doing...buckle the seat belt, put car in gear...etc.

After 2 yrs...I am getting the weight gain under control..yes, you will gain weight, but I'd rather have the few extra lbs., than the black lungs and stink. We both still occasionally think about having a cig., but it goes away quickly.

You go can do!!!!
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