Old 07-17-2011, 03:28 PM
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well, enjoy your youth. That is my first advice because I never did appreciate my young skin, my fitness, my good body and all that youthful stuff...energy also. My husband and I miss our youth. I am 63 now. Time goes so fast. We just had our 45th wedding anniversary. Can't give much advice. there were days (no, years!) when I would have liked to run away. Lacy J. Dalton had a song out then called "I'm a Survivor (I am gonna see it through"....or something like that) I listened to that everytime I got in the car. Can't stand to listen to it now. Other times I would be talking to myself saying, "I want to go away" and then the song "where would I go but to the Lord" would come into my head. Counseling helped me (DH would not go, of course. Nothing wrong with him!!) I learned to NOT accept the blame that I felt for all things that were wrong. I would rather die than go back to how I was before counseling. I learned to not take the guilt trips that I was so often on.

There was also a great book by Gary Smalley, I think he was the author. Can't remember the name of it. He talked about six steps. I will look further for it if you want me too. I have said that he too, as well as my counselor saved my life. NO I was not about to commit suicide but I was so distraught and unhappy that I did nto care much about anything but my kids, their activities and the dog.

Miss my youth, for sure but would not want to do these days over again. They were hard. But there were many blessings tucked in there also with the kids and friends in general. I knew there was never a day that my dh would not have laid his life down for me...it was just the every day stuff of stress etc that made life hard.

It is such a joy and blessing now to enjoy the kids and grandkids together, to share memories of the kids growing up, being born and all that kind of stuff.

Sadly nobody promised us a rose garden. Even the best of couples have their issues. Part of the I DO's I guess.
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