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Old 07-19-2011, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
Originally Posted by Kooklabell
Is she a nippy one? I have a 7# maltese and he can easily move toward "small dog syndrome" if allowed - thinking he owns the world. He has to be reminded I'm the alpha. I'm not accustomed to having to use my growly voice and mean look LOL Time out in his kennel for a minute each time he got snippy with me or our 40# dog worked well.
NO...not nippy, snippy, etc...BUT she does think she is ALPHA...we got her yesterday and I have actually spent most of today teaching her that "I" am the ALPHA everything in this household....

She does not respond to her name at all...yet I know she knows I am talking to her..doxies tend to ignore you quite well...

she was allowed to bark at you and then expects to JUMP up into your arms...NOT...not only do I not respond to being barked at, I do NOT allow my dogs to jump at anything/anyone/anytime...PERIOD...

She also thinks if it is in the house it must be HER chew toy...again, she gets a firm NO, a finger on her nose and a toy put in her mouth and then time in the crate...

We are most terrified of STEPPING on her...
I love to read how you are training her. I have a friend that I no longer visit with in her home because she allows her dog to jump all over me. Bless you for being the ALPHA!!
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