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Old 07-31-2011, 09:37 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Southwest Missouri
Posts: 914

Originally Posted by hpylady
Just wanted to tell each and every one of you, that I appreciate you. Thank you all so much for posting all of your comments, pictures, etc. I so enjoy reading your threads and looking at your beautiful quilting. I know it sounds maybe weird to some, but I feel a connection to all of you through your stories and quilting. When I feel down and yes, I do have down times here and there, not many, but I love life and I love all of you.

Maybe this sounds corny, but I just want you all to know, that no matter how deep in the valley you are and how high on the pedestal you are, I am here if ever you need someone to listen to you. Just wanted you all to know that! And not just me, but there are so many other quilters out there that I'm sure has the same kind of heart!

Don"t know why I am typing this, maybe the Lord knows someone needs to be told this right now, so I'm here, we are here! Hugs!

Love you all even if we have never met. I hope you all to have peace and happiness in your life. :)
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