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Old 08-04-2011, 07:31 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Dakota
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I don't hide my fabric purchases. I only buy when it is a great sale or on an auction. I went last Sat to the sale andall the crafting, sewing stuff was gone so I didn't get anything at all. I was sent to purchase a wheeled weed eater and a 4 wheeler. Neither one was purchased as they went for more than what I was told to stop at. He has way more stuff on the farm than I have of fabric or sewing machines and besides that he sometimes buys stuff for me when he is at an auction and I am not. I have been quite pleasantly surprised by stuff he has bought me and no I don't hide it either. We have been married 39 + years and my kids can deal with our hobbies when we are gone. DH collects brass animals, etc, and horse drawn cast iron items. His stuff is more costly than mine will ever be. I don't think it should make any difference what you do with it as long as you don't break the bank. I know a lot of people who smoke, drink, carouse around, gamble--lose a lot of money and we don't do any of that so we are entitled to what we want. Just me of course, I know there are others who have a different mindset. BTW, I raised 4 wonderful daughters and none of them hide anything either.
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