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Old 08-04-2011, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by JUNEC
Just curious on how many of you hide your fabric purchases from your DH's?

We are retired & I really don't like going out myself, so I usually go with someone - mainly DH - who can for some reason -spend hours in any golf store - but not very good when he goes to a fabric store.

I find that purchasing fabric online is easier for me & great fun. However, I just started to organize a sewing room. I can't believe how much fabric I have found & refell in love with since taking it out of the plastic totes, refolding it and putting it on shelves - in my closet

However, that doesn't mean I have stop buying fabric. My challenge now is to beat my DH to the door when the mailman drops off the mail & hide my precious packages (to be opened at a later time) Sometimes, I feel like I am 13 again & trying to hide something I did wrong from my parents.

But there is nothing like the fabric high I get when I open a package that has been delivered from an online fabric store.

LOVE IT!!!!!!
I just don't get it! When I was in my 20's I was in a Sunday school class with women who were talking about hiding newly purchased clothing from their husbands. Now that I'm in my middle 70's, I am online reading that women are hiding fabric purchases from their husbands.

Am I the only one who knows women fought and died to get the right to vote and that women are fighting and dying in our armed forces in the Middle East and other places? That the majority of American women work outside their homes and that in addition to their paychecks, provide at least half the family wealth by the work they do at home?

And a bunch of you are hiding fabric purchases from your husband?

No wonder so many women choose to remain single! froggyintexas
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