Thread: cat harness
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Old 08-14-2011, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by sewellie
Originally Posted by caspharm
Just go to the pet store and buy a harness with a leash. I have a harness and leash for my cat, since she is deaf and older.

Here is an example:
We have a Pet Smart a few miles from here but they don't carry cat harnesses. I might have to order on-line. Thanks for the lead.
Also check Walmart's new site to store web service. I know they have them, and if you pick it up at the store, no postage, but if no store, how much can a cat harness (mostly plastic) weigh?

I use this one, and boneless cat can't get it off. I only use it in transporting him since he hates to travel. With carrier.
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