Thread: cat harness
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Old 08-14-2011, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by sewellie
Originally Posted by sewellie
Does anyone know of a pattern that I could use on my cat as a harness. There is something called where you can purchase one, but it's for a dog and I would like to make one for my cat when we take her camping. It would be made out of a lightweight fabric like flannel or something to that effect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It isn't that she's afraid of thunder, it's because I don't want her to wander off when we're camping. My neighbor and I watch each other's animals while we're away and she was taking care of mine the last time (1 month ago) we went camping. Someone came on our property and shot her in the head with a pellet gun. Shattered her jaw on the right side, broke the bottom jaw and lodged in her neck. She is doing very well right now, but I just can't risk letting her roam around this neighborhood anymore. She somehow got through the cat door and went to our bedroom where my neighbor found her laying in a pool of blood and picked her up and took her to the kindest vet in the world.
So you see why I need to find something. I tried a dog harness but she slips out of it. I would like to attach it with velcroe so I could adjust it to her size.
Thanks for listening.
My heart just broke when I read about your cat. I am so glad she is doing well now. I just lost my 17 year old baby Thursday. I used a harness on him that I had gotten from PetSmart. But for future furbabies would love to custom fit one.
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