Old 08-31-2011, 03:54 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by KarenBarnes
[This is Karen's husband.] It appears that the images are supposed to get copied(?) to a related domain -- "static.quiltingboard.com". If I edit URL (replacing "static" with "www" ) it finds the image fine in all cases. However, some (such as the image for Karen) has the "static" URL and it appears fine using it. Yet after a refresh of the page, the link no longer works. But if I edit the URL to "www" the image is visible from there.
When I "inspect element" on Google Chrome, here is what comes up on all images..


Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://www.quiltingboard.com/s-5-1.htm from frame with URL http://tag.admeld.com/ad/iframe/694/...gboard.com%2F. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

It also shows an error that states..

Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME text/html

Like Karen's husband, I copied the static link and changed "static" to "www", and was able to view pics, but what a pain! (http://static.quiltingboard.com/uplo...37596-bug1.gif

This is definitely not "our" computer problem, if it were, we would have to do this on every site.
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