Thread: Not warm enough
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by sushi
Having been a member of this Board for almost a year now, I've learned that I'm a total outlier on this topic, but I still recommend using fleece as a batting if you want a really warm quilt.

I made a quilt for my elderly mother when she just couldn't get warm last winter. She hates the feel of fleece, but it was the warmest fabric I could think of. So I pieced an all-cotton top and backing for the quilt, then used generic white fleece (purchased with a coupon) as the batting. I did simple SID quilting (fleece doesn't need much) and the result was a lovely WARM quilt that Mom really used.
Glad to see this idea - I have used fleece for the backing and my daughter said it was a perfect weight and warm (I did not put any batting, only fleece backing) But I love the idea of fleece instead of batting! I will have to try this.
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