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Old 09-18-2011, 06:41 AM
Julie's free time
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Near Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 47

Please, Please, Please don't ever open your door to a stranger. I don't care how many dogs, guns and or sprays you have. Why would you put yourself in the position of needing to use them if you don't have to? I worry that people get a false sense of security with this stuff and then get in really big trouble when the bad guy gets in before you even know he's a bad guy. Unless you go shooting and practicing how to shoot in stressful situations your gun is just a weapon the other guy didn't have until you gave it to him. Shooting at a paper target in a controlled environment is sooo completely different from shooting a person who is trying to hurt you. I am a big supporter of gun rights and have a concealed carry license myself so I'm not trying to talk people out of having a gun for protection. I just want to make sure you don't get this sense of power and invulnerability from having it. You are still a (generally) smaller, weaker, slower person who is not expecting an attack. So many points against you. Why would you even open the door to give them an in? I always just wave them away at the window and then I move to where they can't see me so that they don't stand there and try and engage me in conversation. I don't know this person, my door is posted with no soliciting, I am at a disadvantage strength wise...I don't owe them any common decency or manners as far as I am concerned.

Wow! I think I'll step down off my soap box now and go do some sewing to calm down. Apparently this is a hot topic for me :oops:

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