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Old 09-23-2011, 08:14 AM
Patti Mahoney
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Maryland
Posts: 349

I am working on a GFG hand stitched that I've been working on for 2 years. This is the first quilt I've ever made, found the basic covering of paper pieces and stitching on Youtube. I had to idea what I was doing when I started, didn't have a plan, didn't have a pattern, no quilting buddy to giude me. I bought a whole bunch of fabric off eBay and craigslist, all different types, didn't know I should have used a good quality cotton fabric, I have all kinds of textures and types of fabric. I didn't make traditional flower patterns, I coordinated fabrics that matched in color and scattered the hex's around to form flowers. Like I said, I had no clue. There is a picture of my quilt somewhere here on the QB. I didn't find the QB and get really into learning until about 6-8 months ago. Now, since I've been here on the QB and have learned a wealth of tips, tricks, facts, techniques, etc etc etc. I had no clue I was supposed to be using hand quilting thread, yes, there is a difference, I learned so much from the many quilt knowledgable ladies here on the QB and thanks to a really nice lady at Joann's Fabrics. I took my quilt apart twice before I even come close to using the right supplies, I had over a dozen flowers stitched together with regular all purpose sewing machine type thread before I even knew about hand quilting thread. I took them all apart and restitched them. I didn't want to run into a problem later on with it falling apart. With all that said and done.....I am actually very proud of my quilt. I'm about 95% finished the top, then, I'm going to hand baste and hand quilt. So to answer your question....I think you can make a terrific quilt using scraps. I've learned here on the QB that I can make my quilt 'my own', which is exactly what I did. I can't wait until it's finished. I've already had 6 people offer to pay me, handsomely, for it and my older sister thinks she is getting it, lol......I'll keep it myself since it's my first. Good luck with your quilt, I KNOW first hand that you can make a terrific quilt..Good Luck! ! !
I'm not too good at maneuvering around the QB but if someone can find my GFG and post it here, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks !!!

I found my pictures, they were posted on July 17 but I don't know how to pull them to this post.
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