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Old 09-24-2011, 09:06 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Manchester, NH
Posts: 701

Originally Posted by catray
You're looking at a corp. that does hundreds, if not thousands of fatquarters. And as my husband just told me, and this applies to the large companys that control our lives, "you can't fix stupid".
"you can't fix stupid" - Isn't that the truth! It seems that people today have little pride for their work - and if they do want to do things right, employers say, 'faster,faster, faster, more, more, more, and quality goes out the window.
I once worked making circuit boards for a company, my quality was perfect, but they didn't value that, they wanted more numbers from me, even though the 'bad
boards would be thrown in the trash. I told them that I wasn't brought up that way and that I would never do a sloppy job for the sake of numbers! There was a huuuuuge container out back with all the imperfect boards thrown in it. I refered to that container and said if I owned the company and saw all that wasted copper due to sloppy work, I'd have a cat!!!!!
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