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Old 10-02-2011, 05:42 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mableton, GA
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Nice rug. I have had restless legs since I was a child. My aunt would take me to the movies and I couldn't keep my legs still and she would be very impatient and I couldn't help it. It was worse when I was pregnant. Then later in life a dr. told me I could take a low dose of neurontin (gabapentin) when needed and that changed my life. I don't take it all the time, because I read that tolerance builds and you need more. I read on a RLS blog that those Robitussin cough gels are similar in molecular composition and I have used them with some success too. I don't have low iron and I do exercise regularly, but still am bothered now and then. It goes in cycles for me - sometimes really bad and sometimes eases up.
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