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Old 10-16-2011, 08:13 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 1

Did my research & here's what I found-Laminate floors look like someone took the paneling from the 70's & laid it on the floor, also it "clicks" when you walk on it.
Tile floors-PRO=good in areas that has a sandy soil, or is subject to a lot of grit, like a farm or a beach house. It also stands up well to animal nails and "accidents" it is also great around watery enviroments. Kids & swimming pools.
CON-Good tiles are expensive, cheap tiles crack too easily and you can see the clay foundation underneath. The weight of a stove or fridge can crack the tile. If you decide to change the "look" of your floor, tile is expensive and hard to remove. Even though the tile is easy to clean the grout is not. The grout needs to be sealed once a year and some times it pops out & areas need to be re-grouted & if you dont do the whole floor it looks patchy.
Hint--if you go the tile/grout route audition the grout color by using a colored paper or fabric (from you stash!) behind the tile to see the effect. With the smaller tiles the grout color (white, black, gray) can make a huge difference in overall look of the floor.
It changes the accousts of the room it's LOUD.
You can't move chairs easily over it, they dont slide well.
It can be very slippery, unless they have a lot of texture and then they are harder to clean.
Say goodbye to your favorite bowl or that great bottle of wine should you drop them.That wine will then stain your grout.
Keep aspirin in the kitchen for your aching feet, knees and back, also some warm slippers for that cold slippery floor.

Wood floors-CON-Wood does'nt go well with STANDING water, griddy soil, doggie nails, animal "accidents", little boys with hammers or big boys with golf shoes. The finish wears off in high traffic areas and if the finish is too high the floor can be slippery Those of us of a certain age worry about those things. Wood also takes a little more care to clean, not too much water please.
PRO-Most of the above cons can be fixed by a good sanding and if you dont like the color of the floor can be changed by a can of stain. If you're worried about water,remember most houses are built of wood and they stand up to rain quite well.
Yes, you will lose your wine glass to a wood floor, but the bottle at least has a fighting chance.
Your ears won't hurt from the noise, you're back wont complain about the muscle shock and your feet won't bark because they're cold.
Cement floors--Walk around Costco or Sam's Club for an hour and then decide.

I now this was way too long, but if your sewing machine keeps your husband awake at midnight what else is there to do?
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