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Old 10-20-2011, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by ptquilts
Originally Posted by bakermom
while there are well run private sanctuaries, I don't think "John Doe" needs to own exotic animals. I live in a semi-rural area and people around here would be suprised how many exotics are being kept in the area. all you need is an enclosure and a perimeter fence.

I know one family that feels it is their "right" because they "know" how to care for them(because they've read up on it)Seriously?? that is STUPID. PERIOD!
this is what I meant, obviously a zoo or private sanctuary is a business/organization, not an individual. There is some oversight.

I should have said "individual private property".

I don't care for zoos either but they don't make me feel unsafe as I would if my neighbor had wild animals.
I knew what you meant-it's the individuals that make me angry.
what some people don't seem to get is, this was discovered shortly before dark. Yes many were still on or near the property and the cages, but these animals move fast. Can cover large areas in a short period of time. One tiger was chasing horses nearby. It could just as easy been a child.
Would the people that are so bent out of shape by the killings be willing to sacrifice their loved ones or even pets so officials could tranquilize/capture these animals? The sheriff and others did the best they could in a bad situation.
It makes me angry to read the comments in the news about them being "trigger happy." REALLY?? we were very lucky the only deaths were the animals, not one of the men and women trying to protect the community. There is only one person to blame for all of this.
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