Old 11-01-2011, 07:09 AM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 59

Originally Posted by slhager
I just finished putting the binding on my quilt (the first time I ever actually took my time and did it right). The directions said to press the binding toward the back. So what do I do. I grab the iron and start pressing the heck out of it. Did a whole side then started on the next...looked back and a big portion of a border and binding was FLAT AS A PANCAKE. What have I done? How in the world am i going to fix it. I've been working on this thing for a month for my mother-in-law for Christmas and now I've ruined it at the end. I just want to cry!!!!!
I'm sure it is nothing you would see from an airplane. My husbands favorite expression when he is fixing something.
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