Old 11-02-2011, 10:12 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: a small village about 65 miles north of NYC
Posts: 551
Exclamation This is what can happen when you don't know what you're looking at!

I have one that I found at a garage sale about 10 years ago, and not knowing what it was, got it for ... drum roll please ... $15 - after I talked the guy down from $20 or $25! ... it is from about 1932, per the S/N, and works like a champ.

I took a class a few years ago at the Country Quilter in Somers, NY (everyone shed a tear for the shop, it retired when the owner did, her daughter runs workshops but they are quite expensive in these times, I miss the store!) We were making market bags and I was sitting next to one of the guys who used to own the Woodstock (NY) quilt shop - he had a very expensive machine with all the bells and whistles, even with a walking foot he was having problems, while my little FW just chugged along, through 8 layers of fabric and 2 pieces of heavy iron-on stiff batting, even without the walking foot!

If I ever had a fire I would have to grab my kitties and my FW, my SE (spousal equivalent) would have to find his own way out. 8-D (I wear glasses)
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