Old 11-06-2011, 10:12 PM
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Location: No San Diego County, California
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I did write a blog post about my sewing room and I admit I did "tidy" up my room just a tad!!!!!! I actually was looking for a piece of fabric and when I couldn't find it I started straightening some of my fabrics in the closet of my sewing room.

Before I knew it I had taken most all of the fabric out of the closet, off the floor and shelves, and reorganized it all. I refolded most of it and was amazed how much better it looked once I finished. I put fabrics together in project bags or see through tubs that I had bought for specific projects. It took me all day! That led to my reorganizing of a basket shelf unit I also keep fabric in, and some reorganizing of see through tubs of batiks and Christmas fabrics, refolding the fabrics so that I could better see what I had, organizing them by colors. That took another day.

I discovered a few things in this reorganization project: I had some fabric I really didn't like, wondered why I bought it, and gave it to charity; I don't have a lot of reds or yellows-golds; and I have way more WISP's and/or UFO's than I thought I had!! I try not to let my sewing room get messy when I am sewing, but sometimes it just happens without me even being aware!

Last edited by yayaquilts; 11-06-2011 at 10:14 PM.
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