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Old 11-07-2011, 06:52 AM
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Location: East Texas
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by soccertxi View Post
Suzanne Earley in one of her meandering majic books has a design called Streamers. Looks like feathers, but squared off on the ends. Sorry about the nasty sketch. I don't practice enough to get better at it. I'm also going to try to add a picture of my son's quilt that I quilted it on. Oh, and I use waxed paper to audition designs. Gotta love the price!
I love the design! I kept trying feathers, and it looked too feminine. This however gives the impression of the feather, but it's not all "girly". I love curves on a really geometrical design.

I bought a clear shower curtain liner at the Dollar Store for auditioning designs. $4 and it was considered heavy duty. I don't know if I'd considered it heavy duty if it were hanging in my shower, but for marking on, it's perfect. I didn't want one huge piece, so cut it up. Now I have 4 nice 2.5' squares to work with. I can't wait to get one out and lay it on the quilt and start trying your design.
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