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Old 11-15-2011, 07:40 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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I've never seen it free. I bought it and hated it. i think the reason for that is twofold; one i am color challenged and even though I had the LQS staff help me with fabrics, i couldn't make it work for me, two, after i cut the fabric, I felt like the directions dropped me off a cliff without a parachute! The directions suddenly became extremely vague to me.

Now, I am the very logical type, worked as a systems analyst and usually can figure out directions, no matter how poorly written. Someone on the board suggested the pattern was too easy for me so I thought I was missing something in the directions and made it hard! That's possible, but I'm not usually a victim of 'analylsis paralysis'. My conclusion is that it was a case of fabric overload - too many fabrics/colors to co-ordinate and my brain just couldn't handle it!
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