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Old 11-30-2011, 08:12 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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In these days of people living longer and the fact that dementia does happen at pretty young ages I think we should make a point of always being as kind as we can when we come upon difficult people like this lady. Maybe she's just lonely and wants to see people (which is more sad than bad) and maybe she has had an attack of "family-guilt" if she sells certain things, and maybe she is in the early stages of dementia. Those of us who still have it more together should be able to be kind, simply thank her and say you can see she needs more time to sort it out and if it works for you, you'll come back. I don't read every thread every day, but I've never seen such unforgiving posts before. Having said all this I have to tell you that when my dad was in Altsheimers and peed in a friend's closet I got very angry at him and, as I was mopping it up, I said WHY DIDN'T YOU GO OUT DOORS IF YOU COULDN'T FIND THE TOILET (we were in the country) and he said, "You should feel sorry for someone who would do this, not angry." It was like a bit of my old Daddy come back. We all feel angry at times, but we should be very careful about making a person feel awful if we really don't have to. I think the lady who wrote this did the best thing she could... being kind.

Last edited by Sierra; 11-30-2011 at 08:14 AM.
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