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Old 12-12-2011, 04:13 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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I am not so sure if this was tacky vs. being "cheap". I have a "friend" who gives the weirdest gifts to me to the point I have to just laugh about it. One year she gave me one of those holiday popcorn tins filled with various flavored popcorn. She then asked me if SHE could keep the tin for herself because she really liked it. I was stunned and just emptied the various popcorn into tupperware and handed it back to her. WTH??? it was only $5 item at that time...I should have just given the whole darn thing back to her and thanked her. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of sharing this "gift" story with others who don't know her. My bad.

For my wedding gift, she gave me a "gift basket" of hotel coffees and teas (yes, from the room!) and also some expired crackers,etc that she did not want. I assume that she had recieved them for a gift at one time. She is a vegetarian. THAT is another story in itself!! Again, I have to laugh at this. She is not a good "gift giver" and I have to just accept it. I am learning to just not put much effort into my gifts to her. Frankly, we could forget about it but she does not have many friends and I frankly feel sorry for her.

Fortunately, she lives 400 miles from me and I don't have to socialize with her except the once a year trip around Christmas when she is on her way to visit her family.

I would have loved to have recieved a book....used or otherwise! I love to read.

I also don't have an issue with "regifting" as long as the gift is unused and looks new. How would I know then?


Last edited by Sandygirl; 12-12-2011 at 04:16 AM.
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