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Old 01-22-2012, 04:06 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 5

I am finding this thread interesting and it makes me feel guilty. My mother is luckily in good health, but elderly and forgetful. Last year, after a fall, (and many years of talking to her about moving) we moved her 60 miles to a senior apt near us. She is furious. Still. She can't be in her own house, the neighbors have told us they have helped too many times, the doctor said she has to go. She DOES want to move into my house, but here's the catch: This is a bitter, self-centered woman - My kids are all 4 in their 20's & I've been married 30 years. In all that time, my mother visited a lot, but she NEVER babysat , changed a diaper, cooked a meal for us, took the kids anywhere etc. She constantly complained about how hard her life was (it wasn't), how poor the kids' manners were etc. Meanwhile, we visited her, did repairs on her home, I housecleaned and mended for her etc. Now, she wonders why my 4 siblings never visit and rarely call, and why none of her 15 grandchildren call or visit. And she can't understand why I am not enthusiastic about welcoming her to live at my house. OK, I guess I love her, but I don't respect her nor do I enjoy her company. Am I an awful person???
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