Thread: Scary Situation
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Old 01-24-2012, 08:19 PM
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Sorry this happened to you.I always think when I read about this kind of thing, how much good these warped people could do if they didn't choose the road they do. So far I haven't had too may weird emails. Getting a few through lately about making money at home. Although they are annoying I just delete them. Have only had two about helping people get there money out of some foreign country. Not too bad in almost 5 years.
My daughter clicked on a link when she was in a hurry and $2000 disappeared from her account. Thankfully she caught it and her bank covered her loss.
We shred anything with our name or address on it before putting it in the bin even medication boxes. DH thinks I'm a bit of a security Nazi but I would rather be safe than sorry.
As for facebook I will never join - too many nasty things happen there.
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