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Old 02-19-2012, 09:34 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
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Everything I have will go to my niece. Fortunately, both she and her 8 year-old-daughter have become interested in quilting so my "stuff" will have a good home. The other things in my house: I am documenting the things that have come down in the family (history, from whom, significance, etc.) and taking pictures of most of the other items and placing a value on them (usually what I paid for them or, if I got a great deal on it, an estimated value). I have told her and her husband to keep ONLY what they really want and sell the rest but want them to know the value so they don't sell something for 50 cents when it is worth $50.00 or more. And I try every 6 months or so to go through one room and clean out. I know I am a collector but I do try to keep it manageable.
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