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Old 08-29-2009, 10:53 AM
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Alaska, I read your story and my heart went out to you. As for me, I would not waste any more time, tears or explainations on this woman, she is not my definition of a friend. She showed her true colors with the tile incident!!
Here is quote that says it all....
"God save me from my friends - I can protect myself from my enemies." -- Proverb
You know what you do and you donot have to explain that to anyone. A friend would never ask you to defend yourself or your choices. Just go on with what you do and hold your head up high.
She obviously is a very sad and jealous person.
Smile girl and enjoy, life is way too short for anything else!

Originally Posted by alaskasunshine
Get this...
I had a friend for several years finally be invited into my quilt room. Much to my horror was her responce to my stash and quilts (mostly tops) and a few in my curios that were quilted. She said angrily, why do you store all your quilts? Why don't you bless others with your talents. How many can one person need?

I nearly cried right there! She went on to say why don't you give them away? Why don't you make quilts for newborns in need? I wanted to faint!
Oh I told her I have given of my time & talents. But I was in such shock that I couldn't tell her what was rolling around in my head. When she left I told my husband what had happened and he was furious!!! I sat down and tearfully wrote her an e-mail and told her about all the 75 people I had made quilts for. I went into GREAT detail on why each person got one from me. She was stunned to realize she is not who I give an account to. I told her many times only my husband and God knew who I was quilting for.
She wrote me back I had no idea, sorry. I went on to tell her often my gifts from my husband are fabric. If I have a birthday, annniversaryetc I ask for fabric, and generally it will be made into a quilt for someone else.

I have given most of my "labors of love" to date 78 quilts to strangers. They have been far more gracious. A lady I gave one to entered it into a show and it placed Grand Champion. I have never given away quilts I don't love myself.

I don't understand why some people are so hurtful to think WE have all the time & money and they don't. Their loss!
P.S. The friend took a quilting class with me about 1 1/2 years before her comment . She complained the whole way...omg money for this and money for that. class fee, fabric, cutter, ruler,thread,gas,time. She never finished her quilt. She and her husband tiled their entire entry and kitcken and I asked if they could help us learn how to do it. I told her I would pay for all materials. I am just a hands on learner. Her responce was get a book it is really easy!.hummm
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