Thread: Kindle
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Old 03-28-2012, 11:46 PM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Delaware
Posts: 13

I have the big Kindle DX and the 3g wifi, My hubby has a 3G, ( he mainly listens to the audio books) and we got my granddaughter a 3g. I LOVE them, the 3g lives in my purse so it's always with me, I worked in a bookstore for 10 years and to say that I had a huge collection of books was an understatement. I had a room full. Since I got my Kindle, I have sold all the books and now have a room full of fabric. It is so nice to know that my little Kindle can hold 3,000 books and not take up shelf space that can be used for my fabric stash. I also use to get free books. I recommend getting a Kindle to anyone that will listen.
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