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Old 09-06-2009, 11:51 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by Feathers
I have a SIL whom I will love til I die even tho she and DHs brother are no longer together. She bought a new house so I made a quilt for her and took another quilt with meto SHOW it to her. She wanted the quilt I wanted to show her. I didn't want to give up that one because SIL has never been too interested in artsy/crafty home sewn/homemade things and the one she wanted was 10 tons of work and hours to make and had a bazillion small pieces and I just didn't think she'd take care of it or appreciate it like my spare guest bedroom would. I was WRONG! I do believe that quilt is her most valued possession and I know this to be true because people who have been to her home have come up and commented on the quilt I made my SIL. Her bedroom is NOT on the way to anything in her home so I know for these folks to see the quilt, SIL had to have taken them up the stairs and down the mile long hall to show it to them. I'm glad I gave her to quilt she wanted. She loves it and thanks me for it everytime I see her.
What a nice story!
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