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Old 04-11-2012, 05:55 PM
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Congrats on the Kindle Touch. I have the Kindle Keyboard as they call it now; it is the one with 3G and Wi-Fi.

As for the games: Go here

Also, I like to check the Best Sellers list. They list the Top Paid books as well as the Top Free book. The top free books will change hourly so if you see one you might like, get it now as the next hour it might not be free.

The skin is probably like a sticker, the best way to explain it. Very tough vinyl that you stick to the Kindle. When I got my Kindle last year, hubby also got me this cover. I love it! Yes I have thought about making a pretty pouch but this cover is durable and I love the light for reading at night. I am sure they have one to fit your Kindle.

As for turning the pages, since mine isn't touch, I have no advice on that part.

Also, you can lend some books. So if you know someone with a Kindle and you like the same books, then they might can lend you a book for 14 days. However, books are only lendable once.

Oh for the page numbers, I thought they were going to start doing that but I have yet to see any. But I have gotten used to the % read now that I don't even look for page numbers.

Um, I think that is all I can think of right now. I hope you enjoy your Kindle. I love mine...actually about to go read some on a book.
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