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Old 06-16-2012, 02:35 PM
Gabrielle's Mimi
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When I was a young mom and DH was on a teacher's salary, I used cloth diapers for all 3 of my babies. Now I am the grandmother to my DGD who is 20 mos. old. I watch the baby about 50 hours per week and some over-nights when the parents are both traveling for work. They buy disposable diapers by the huge box and send them to me. I can tell you my DGD's bottom is just diaper rash like my babies sometimes had. No "blow-outs" thank goodness, and no soggy pants in the AM because we use the heavier night-time disposables. Yes they are expensive, but I am a happy Mimi! I guess it's personal choice and whether the cost is worth it to you. I do, however, feel guilty about all those diapers going into a landfill.
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