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Old 06-22-2012, 06:29 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Posts: 918

Another cloth diaper user here. I brought my poor oldest home from the hospital with a diaper rash from disposables, and my doctor recommended cloth. Never went back. Luckily my day care would use them, and I just took a sack home with me each night and brought clean ones in the next day. Generally I washed every other day, and never folded. I just used them straight from the basket. For the second baby, we started off in cloth and kept it up. With my first child I was a full time grad student with a half time job, and for the second I worked full time with some overtime. A good washer makes all the difference. Hot water, bleach every few washes, second rinse.

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