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Old 06-29-2012, 03:30 AM
Possum Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: South Alabama
Posts: 3
Default Possums Rule!

Originally Posted by alfosa421 View Post
Do you really have a pet possum???? you should put him or her as your avatar!!! Welcome from Pittsburgh PA
Our possum (opossum if you live outside the South), Calvin, is a male and is one year old this month. We've had him since July 4th last year. He and six of his siblings were left in out front yard and mama didn't come back for them. Mama possums are not like cats or dogs where they make sure everyone is on board. You fall off - you're on your own! He was about 2 inches long and I fed him every 3-4 hours with any eye dropper. Unfortunately none of his siblings survived so he is all alone except for our 14 cats and 2 dogs. He sleeps during the day and roams around the house at night after a little snuggle time with me in the big chair. Loves scrambled eggbeaters and blueberry yogurt for breakfast and dog chow for supper. He is potty trained - first in water and now he uses possum pads. He's an unusual pet. I wouldn't recommend having one around small children because of their 50 teeth and tendency to bite first and ask questions later. Google opossums on the internet - they are very interesting creatures to be sure.
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