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Old 07-28-2012, 08:03 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by crzypatcher
I also purchased this FMQ foot for my 6600 along with the bobbin case made for FMQ. Love them both! I was having terrible "eyelashes" on the back of my quilts until I used the new bobbin case. Now if I could just get my hand speed and needle speed to come together, I would be a happy camper!!

Yes! I forgot to mention the bobbin case.
I had a long talk yesterday with one of the gals who sell the machines, and teach the how to's along with their full time "mechanic", and learned a lot more about my machine and these specialty feet and the bobbin case!! I am one that needs to understand a little more about the why's and wherefore's of doing things!!

With this special foot, you never adjust the foot pressure, as the FMQ foot has the adjustment on it for the distance. Similarly, the blue dot bobbin case allows for a slightly different bobbin pressure. If you ever think that you need a different bobbin tension, you pop in this bobbin case and continue on.

And so that means ... when you start FMQing, the only thing you may need to adjust would be the top thread tension. And that's only a may ... as that'd be dependent on the variables. I have discovered that seldom I need to adjust the tension and had been starting to wonder what I was doing wrong. Now I know, why it didn't need adjusting!

For anyone switching the bobbin case ... be sure to learn how to properly put it in! Otherwise, you can damage it too easily and then would need a new one (ask me how I know?). Both of them agreed that design wise that should be a simpler switchover as they have more people who damage theirs ... and then they make sure we know the right way, before we leave the shop!

Another interesting tidbit ... he said to throw away the manual ... and learn from them!!

I am SO thankful to have such a great dealer, only fifteen minutes away.
I know for some of you, that's only a dream ... so I count my blessings and am sure to tell them so!!!
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