Old 07-29-2012, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Tartan View Post
The concept intrigues me but I can't think of things to do it with. You have to have the fabric quite stiff for it to feed properly in a circle. I would have to put stabilizer or wonder under onto the fabric to stitch the edge. If I use a fancy stitch the ends are not going to meet up properly. If I straight stitch the edge then I suppose you could use it for raw edge circles on top of another fabric square and carefully cut away the extra fabric. I could stitch a circle with a dryer sheet on top of the right side and then turn for Drunkard's Path blocks. All the things I think of would make a stiffer appliqué. What am I missing?
You are making this way to difficult. We made quilt blocks and used fancy stitches; no stabilizer needed. Sometimes we have a tendacy to over think things; it really is very simple. Try it with the thumb tack/tape and eraser head and see if you like it.
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