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Old 08-19-2012, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by roselady View Post
When they brought it to me, it was quite dirty, and had a 1/2 inch layer of cat hair on it. I was so dissappointed and not sure what to do. I didn't know if they didn't like it so they let the cat use it, or what. I finally decided to talk to my son about it. He said they love the quilt, and knew that their playful cat was laying on it, playing on it etc... while it was on their bed, t
See this is where we are all different. In my house, I would expect cat hair on any blanket/quilt, bedspread that is in the house as we have cats and I don't ban them from the beds. 1 inch thick seems excessive, however...I'd wash the quilt!

But you were pretty brave to try to show a quilt that you made several years ago and has been in use (and not just hanging from a wall somewhere as a wall hanging). I'd never ask someone for a quilt back in that case. I'd expect it to be too worn or faded to show proudly.
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