Old 09-24-2012, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by oksewglad
I had not heard the CWD had been found in Iowa recently--sounds like it was in SW Ia and on a breeding facility in NC Ia, rather than here in the NE. But yes the deer are fed very well by farmers. They maul corn fields for corn (wild turkeys do, too) and love the tender alfalfa sprouts. We had a DNR person tell us deer don't like alfalfa. Okay so we'd watch the deer come and go to our hay shed and reach through the gates to get at it. Here in Iowa you have a 1 in 77 chance of hitting a dear. They caused $27 M of damage to Iowa motorists in 2010 for an average of over $3000 per accident. 90 years ago when my dad was a kid it was a big thing to see a deer, How times have changed.
I remember as a child, my dad, and all my uncles and grandfather would all go deer hunting when it was in season. We had a lot of venison in our menu as a child. I remember my mom use to soak the venison in vinegar to get the "wild" taste out of it. Here in CA, they do not have any of the corn, or alfalfa, wheat type of feed for them. They live in the hills where there is sagebrush, so the taste was quite strong. I remember in my late teens, helping to skin and cut up venison. Gosh that conversation brought back lots of memories!!!
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