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Old 03-03-2007, 05:55 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 9

To add more....the four corner blocks are for the four children my Mom had...and two of us still have companions...hence the blocks next to, two of the corners. Two of us are divorced....hence, the lonely corners...LOL.
My Mom just passed away in Oct. '5 and she gave me her sewing machine to help me along in my beginning quilting. She was not a quilter, but my paternal grandmother was, in her earlier years. Then in Dec. '05, my aunt called me and gave me 36 (!) of my paternal grandmother's dresses that she had stored in her attic for 34 (!!!) years...all cotton..and in perfect shape! I'll post a pic of the wall hanging I did for my aunt...honoring my little granny.
I am still kinda new at quilting...but very bold, in diving into my projects. I am an emotional quilter...all or most of my quilts have some symbolism in them. I LOVE the pictorial style...usually of my own creation. Creating a scene with fabric is my thing! louisiana
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