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Old 10-19-2009, 02:09 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 2

After following up with the owner of tin lizzie today, I just want you all to know that he told me that he would refund the store their money for my tin lizzie and the store that I bought if from would have to refund me. After talking with the store owner ( dealer) she stated that the owner of Tin lizzie had a NO REFUND Policy and that she did not have the money to refund me. I told her that is not the same information that the owner of Tin Lizzie gave as the day went forward it ended up in a three way conversation. The owner of TIn lizzie backed down and LIED, and revoked his previous statement and further stated that TIN lizzie will only refund the cost with in a 30 day period. The dealer evidendely made comments as to my lack of knowledge....tried to make me sound like an idiot and of course did not back up any of my issues that had been reported to her. The dealer will not refund the money at any point after the sale. After all conversations lizzie did agree to send me a new machine a new computer and a new frame. As well as the same dealer who has been very set it up. Not only did the dealer loose a good customer but so did TIn Lizzie. You folks who do purchase your Tin Lizzie like me who was very excited to have a long arm machine and wanted it to work remember if you have any issues with in those thirty days and your dealer does not repair them you really need to go to the manufacturer and get a refund...before you are stuck with a 12000.00 headache.
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