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Old 12-24-2012, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by ckcowl View Post
can't really blame the children if their parents never taught them to always send a 'thank-you'...
my neices (in their 20's now) have ALWAYS sent a brief message-some sort of note to let me know they received a gift- regardless of circumstances- they were taught as very young girls to sit down & write thank you's -- my own kids (now in their 30's- and their children---teens) always sit down & write notes of thanks-- during the quiet time after birthday parties- in the afternoon on Christmas---when ever they have a few quiet moments-
i still always set down & write a note letting people know i am thinking of them---it's all in the way a person is raised.
as for 'age to quite giving'.... i don't really think an age should have much to do with it- gifts are supposed to come from the heart- not be a commitment-unless your family draws names or has some (tradition) way to handle the adults-
in our family when the kids started having kids- the (kids) always receive a gift from anyone who can afford-wants to give one- no one is expected-forced to give gifts-
as for the adults- sometimes some of us give gifts to adults in the family- again- they are not expected- no one feels slighted if they do not get one- and someone else does- we have a large family- sometimes we get lots done & many people get gifts, sometimes time/finances restrict that- everyone works, has lives- know how things are- its a gift- not an expectation- and everyone says thank you- all that being said- my youngest son (in the navy- busy) is the worst about the thank-you's...he just seems to have other things on his mind- it does not mean we stop loving him,,or refuse to give to him...when we have sent him something & weeks go by without hearing from him we generally give him a call- & ask---did your package arrive ok---then he always says---yes- i loved it! thank you!...
giving should come from the heart- if your heart is not in it-it's meaningless- so don't bother-
we were taught to not give with expectations attached; just like giving to charity---give because the act of giving is reward enough---not the 'pat on the back from others'
This is it in a nutshell, being thankful has to be taught and shown starting with having little ones draw pictures pre-writing, ask them what they want to say and print it until they are able and hope they will continue being thankful once they leave home. Unfortunately, too many children today feel entitled and are not thankful, just expectant. I wonder what kind of husbands and wives they will make when each feels entitled, I guess debt-ridden spouses.
I think another thing missing is teaching children to give to others and have a heart for others' needs.
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