Thread: Bernina
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Old 12-28-2012, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by schoolteacher View Post
My husband bought me a Bernina 530 for Christmas. This was a gift that he bought without any hints or requests from me. In fact, it was the furtherest request on my Santa list. Now don't get me wrong, I am deeply grateful and excited, but am feeling alittle overwhelmed by it all. Have tried to thread it and use the auto thread and am even having trouble with that part. Even though I will be taking classes, I am afraid that he has given me a machine that will be difficult to use. I have been using a Viking that was bought in the 1970's. I quilt constantly and thoroughly enjoy the many steps. For those that have this machine or others in the Bernina family, how do you like it? What don't you like about it? I'm hoping that after taking classes, I can resume my enthusiasm but right now I totally feel overwhelmed/dumb/frustrated. Please, please, don't thinK I am ungrateful. I know that money is hard to come by so his generosity is deeply appreciated.
My DH bought me a Bernina 820 - 2 years ago & I was so afraid of it that I almost took it back. Thank goodness the dealer, who lives 3 hrs. away came to my home & spent 2 days with me & got me back on track. Take a few deep breaths & wait for your lessons - it will make a huge difference. I wouldn't part with my Bernina but it took some time. The only thing I didn't like about it was the price - here in Canada they run in the several thousands of dollars - mine was just over $7,000. with tax & she gave us a deal !! I'm sure you can get them cheaper in the U.S. Give it some time & you will soon love it.
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