Old 01-01-2013, 12:52 PM
StashJunkieJan's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Western Washington
Posts: 24

No! Don't give it up! I understand that the cost can seem outragious, but there are ways to get around that. Or at least a big portion of it. Besides thrift shops keep an eye on garage sales in your area. I've found a lot of fabrics that way. Also, if you have a guild, or even a senior center that offers quilting classes they are a great way to make quilting buddies and find fabric and supply sources. I joined a quilting group at our local senior center and found a wonderful group of ladies that are very helpful. You don't need to buy a lot of gadgets to quilt either. A good mat, rotary cutter, couple of good rulers, and a lot of imagination is all it takes.

I also have some fabrics that I know I'll never use so if you're interested please send me your address and I'll be happy to send it to you. I'd rather see someone use it and appreciate it instead of it sitting in my stash.

Best wishes for a wonderful 2013.
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