Old 10-26-2009, 09:54 AM
Power Poster
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Salem Iowa
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Originally Posted by Karen Lee
Hi I collect chickens, books ,anything for sewing and crafts. A word on books don't give them to Goodwill i know what they do with them in my town they burn them for heat :evil: I belong to a place on the net and i trade my books it is all free all you pay is your postage. I have over 300 hundred posted to trade.Some are quilt, craft books. Its called Paperbackswap.com They do hard backs too, and they have a DVD and CD site also.

Karen Lee :D
Thanks Karen for the link! I went and signed up. I have boxes and boxes and boxes of Harlequins. Nobody wants them. I do reread them some but I wanted more that I haven't read. The only down side is I have to wait for someone to ask for mine before I can order more! LOL I so appreciate the link. I need to put more books on there so there are more chances to get rid of mine and get more! thanks again!!
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