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Old 01-26-2013, 04:02 AM
grammy1231's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Florida/Mn...heart in Mn
Posts: 36

[QUOTE=auntpiggylpn;5811547]Just so you know... ALL of those treats that are made in China have been recalled. I believe it came down early last week. Also, not just off brands are made in China, there are some well known brands that are manufactured in China also! I was shocked! My other half works in managment in a fairly large box store chain and told me about the recall.[/

Elmers glue has always been my "go to" glue since I was a kid. I prefer US homegrown on alot of things, but somethings I wont the "recalls" on different US made medicines, baby food etc. Bottom line, I am not eating Elmers and I aint giving it up.
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